Downloading & Installing

The following documentation is for SuiteCRM Version 8+; to see documentation on the same topic for Version 7, click here.

1. Setup your webserver for SuiteCRM

The following documentation will use as base setup a LAMP stack: Linux, Apache, MySql and php. However, most of the steps may apply to other webservers and databases

1.1 Install required software

Install the platform-appropriate version of the following:

  • webserver: apache

  • php

  • database: mysql or mariadb

See the Compatibility matrix to ensure you have the correct versions of the required softwares.

there are other software dependencies on the Compatibility matrix, however those are the ones required for a development environment.

When installing SuiteCRM from pre-build installable package zip you do not need to install the dependencies that are for development, namely: node, angular cli, yarn/npm.

The SuiteCRM 8 pre-built installable package zip comes with the pre-built front end files under public/dist and all the required libs on vendors.

1.2 Install required php modules

Install on your server the required php modules:

  • cli

  • curl

  • common

  • intl

  • json

  • gd

  • mbstring

  • mysqli

  • pdo_mysql

  • openssl

  • soap

  • xml

  • zip

  • imap (optional)

  • ldap (optional)

Helpfull Resources

Please check the Helpfull Resources section from Install required software for instructions on how to install php modules

1.3 Configuring URL re-writes

In order for api routes to work you need allow url re-writes.

  • All SuiteCRM-Core api calls depend on this (calls to api/graphql) if re-rewrites are not allowed you will get a 404 when calling the api.

In apache webserver this can be achieved by enabling mod-rewrite and configuring the vhost.

It is highly recommended that you update the webroot or configure vhost to point to the public folder inside SuiteCRM folder. If the webroot is pointing to SuiteCRM folder instead of the public folder, all the files under SuiteCRM folder maybe be exposed to the web.

On your vhost configuration you need something like:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot /<path-to-suite>/public
    <Directory /<path-to-suite>/public>
        AllowOverride All
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from All


Helpfull resources:

1.4 Configure php error_reporting

Please make sure that notices aren’t considered on error_handling. For that you can update the error handling entry in php.ini

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING

Helpfull Resources

Please check the Helpfull Resources section from Install required software for instructions on where to find php.ini

Enabling op cache will greatly improve performance. Though its only recommended for production environments.

To enable op cache you have to enable and configure it on php.ini.

  • The following example is based on the Symfony documentation that you will find in the Helpfull resources

; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled

; The OPcache shared memory storage size.

; The maximum number of keys (scripts) in the OPcache hash table.
; Only numbers between 200 and 100000 are allowed.

; When disabled, you must reset the OPcache manually or restart the
; webserver for changes to the filesystem to take effect.

Helpfull resources:

For a deeper understanding of the above we recommend reading the following:

2. Downloading and Setting up SuiteCRM

2.1 Downloading the latest SuiteCRM files

Unless you want to setup a development environment, you should download the pre-built installable packages available for download on

2.2 Copy the files to your webserver root

After you download the package

  1. Unzip the pre-build installable package.

  2. Copy the the files to your web server web root.

For apache webserver the web root is usually under /var/www or /var/www/html

Please consider the DocumentRoot you have set on your vhost (if using apache). See 1.3 Configuring URL re-writes

Adding the files to the web root is the most typical install method, but you can have different setups, like subdomains and others.

2.3 Set permissions

Set the required permissions

If you are using the terminal you can do this by running:

find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} \;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . ! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;
chmod +x bin/console

Please have in mind that:

  • The user and group name (in the above example www-data) needs to be replaced by the actual system user and group that your webserver runs under. This varies depending on your operating system. Common web server users are as follows:

    • www-data (Ubuntu Linux/Apache)

    • apache (Linux/Apache)

  • If the group name differs from the username apache is running with, you may need 0664 instead of 0644, and 2775 instead of 2755

2.4 (optional) Creating the database

Depending on your setup, you maybe required to create the database before you go through the install process.

The install process will then create the needed tables.

3. Running the installer

From SuiteCRM version 8 and above you have two ways to run installer:

Following you can find documentation on how to install using the web installer or the cli.

3.1 Option 1: Installing using the install page

To run the web installer go to https://<your-suite-crm-instance-path>/

Since you are not installed this should re-direct you to https://<your-suite-crm-instance-path>/#/install

Where you should see a view like the following


2.1.1 Accept the license

In order to be able to install you’ll have to accept the license by checking the I ACCEPT checkbox.

2.1.2 Setup basic system configuration

The next step is to add the base system configuration in order for your system to work.


On this page apart from Ignore system check warnings all fields are required and need to be set a value.

In this tab you will find the following configurations: URL OF SUITECRM INSTANCE


In the above field you should set the url where your SuiteCRM instance is located. A few example:

Tip: you can simply copy the url from you browser’s address bar SuiteCRM Database User


In the above field you should set the user name for accessing your database.

Ensure that the Database Administrator you specify has the permissions to create and write to the SuiteCRM database. SuiteCRM Database User Password


In the above field you should set the password for accessing your database. Host Name


In the above field you should set the host of your database.

In some systems when using localhost doctrine will try to use socket connection. However, socket connection is not supported at the moment, so in such cases, its maybe best to try with the ip, e.g. Database Name


In the above field you should set the name you want for the databases that will be created on your host during the install process, e.g. suite or suitecrm or another valid db name. Database Port


In the above field is set to the default port user in mysql and mariadb database engines. You should only change it in case your database host is using a different port. POPULATE DATABASE WITH DEMO DATA


In the above field you can set if, during the install process, you want to pre-populate your database with demo data. SuiteCRM Application Admin Name


In the above field you can set the username for your SuiteCRM instance’s administrator user, e.g. admin or any other username you want to give. SuiteCRM Admin User Password


In the above field you can set the password for your SuiteCRM instance’s administrator user.

2.1.3 Ignoring install warnings


Before running the install process, SuiteCRM is going to check for some system requirements, like max upload file size or memory limit. Some of these checks are optional, meaning that you can install the system without those. In case you want to proceed with the installation even if there are warnings you can check the Ignore System Check Warnings checkbox

2.1.4 Run the install

After you have accepted the license and set correct values for all the configurations you can click on Proceed.

This is going to trigger the install process. As explained before the install process will first check for some system requirements.

If there any errors during the validation, the install process will halt and a modal will open with a description of the checks that failed.

If all the checks passed the system will continue on to the install process. During the install process you will see a loading spinner on the page. This process can take some time.

After the install process finishes you will be re-directed to the login page.

2.1.6 Access the app

Try to login into your instance

3.2 Option 2: Installing using the cli

3.2.1 Install the system

  • Run command:

    1. Option 1 - Run ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install without any options, the command will ask you for the required options

    2. Option 2 - Run ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install in one line by passing the required options the. See the section below for more detail.

./bin/console suitecrm:app:install -u "admin_username" -p "admin_password" -U "db_user" -P "db_password" -H "db_host" -N "db_name" -S "site_url" -d "demo_data"

Further Info

./bin/console suitecrm:app:install -u "admin" -p "pass" -U "root" -P "dbpass" -H "mariadb" -N "suitecrm" -S "" -d "yes"

To get more information on the supported arguments you can run: ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install --help. Which should show a list similar to the following:


The following sub-sections provide a brief explanation of each parameter you can set site_url

In the above parameter you should set the url where your SuiteCRM instance is located. A few example:

Tip: you can simply copy the url from you browser’s address bar db_user

In the above parameter you should set the user name for accessing your database.

Ensure that the Database Administrator you specify has the permissions to create and write to the SuiteCRM database. db_password

In the above parameter you should set the password for accessing your database. db_host

In the above parameter you should set the host of your database.

in some systems when using localhost doctrine will try to use socket connection. However, socket connection is not supported at the moment, so in such cases, its maybe best to try with the ip, e.g. db_name

In the above parameter you should set the name you want for the databases that will be created on your host during the install process, e.g. suite or suitecrm or another valid db name. db_port

In the above parameter is set to the default port user in mysql and mariadb database engines. You should only change it in case your database host is using a different port. demo_data

In the above parameter you can set if, during the install process, you want to pre-populate your database with demo data.

Possible values: 'yes' , 'no'. admin_username

In the above parameter you can set the username for your SuiteCRM instance’s administrator user, e.g. admin or any other username you want to give. admin_password

In the above parameter you can set the password for your SuiteCRM instance’s administrator user. sys_check_option

Ignoring install warnings

Before running the install process, SuiteCRM is going to check for some system requirements, like max upload file size or memory limit. Some of these checks are optional, meaning that you can install the system without those. In case you want to proceed with the installation even if there are warnings you can check the Ignore System Check Warnings checkbox

Possible values: 'true' (for ignoring) , 'false' (for not ignoring).

3.2.2 Re-set permissions

After allowing time for the installation to complete, again set permissions as done in step 2.3 Set permissions.

3.2.3 Access the app

You should now be able to access the instance at the https://<your-suite-crm-instance-path>;

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