Session Directory configuration

Option 1. Changing session dir in php.ini

It is possible to update the global session dir by changing php’s directive on your php.ini file.

Option 2. Changing session dir in SuiteCRM configuration

Change the session directory

This only applies to file based sessions

This guide explains how to configure SuiteCRM 8.x versions to store the sessions on a different folder

1. Change the session_dir in legacy

On public/legacy/config.php or public/legacy/config_override.php change the session_dir to the new path.

Through the rest of this guide we are going to assume that we want to have our session files being stored in a var/sessions folder within your SuiteCRM 8 instance folder, like: * /<path-to-your-project>/var/sessions

$sugar_config = array (

  'session_dir' => '/<path-to-your-suite8-project>/var/sessions',
  'session_gc' =>
  array (
    'enable' => true,
    'gc_probability' => 1,
    'gc_divisor' => 100,

2. Change session save_path in SuiteCRM 8 configuration

Now we need to change the SuiteCRM 8 symfony configuration. To add it to SuiteCRM 8 configuration in an extensible way you can add it to: extensions/<your-extension>/config/services/framework.yaml

If you name your extension custom it would look something like. extensions/custom/config/services/framework.yaml

    cookie_lifetime: null
    cookie_secure: auto
    cookie_samesite: lax
    gc_probability : 1
    gc_divisor : 100
    handler_id: session.handler.native_file
    save_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/sessions'

3. Clear symfony cache

From your instance root folder run bin/console cache:clear

bin/console cache:clear

If you don’t have access to the terminal you can also delete the contents of: /<path-to-your-project>/cache

  • Please make sure that apache / php have access to write to the cache folder

  • The above is not the legacy cache folder. Do not delete the /<path-to-your-project>/public/legacy/cache

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